Cancellation of All 2020 Events
We take the health and safety of our guests, staff and community very seriously.
After careful consideration and much internal discussion, we have decided to cancel our entire 2020 Event Season. This is due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, discussions with health officials, and the State of Maryland’s phased recovery guidelines that limit “large social gatherings”. Our paramount concern is your safety, and in the current circumstances, this may only be guaranteed through limiting large social gatherings. We will continue to abide by the State of Maryland phased recovery guidelines and look forward to your participation in the 2021 Event season.
The Team will be working diligently, planning and preparing to provide the experience that our vendors, patrons and employees expect and deserve in a safe environment in 2021.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you and working with you in 2021.